I’ve always felt there are certain archetypes for fantasy races that 5th edition D&D never really covered, and a big offender of this was the lack of plant people. dungeons & dragons Dungeons and Dragons dnd d&d d&d 5e dnd 5e 5e 5e homebrew homebrew 5e race monster race cocoshomebrew If you want to help support me in making my content, please consider pledging to my patreon where you’ll gain access to a dropbox full of high quality PDF versions of all my content, including some exclusive stuff. I had a lot of grief with the tlincalli (I now understand why Wizards had such a hard time balancing the centaur race for Ravinca), and in the end, I had to settle for making the race extremely powerful at early levels, in hopes that at later levels it will be limited by the restrictions of its Natural Armour trait.
Converting the firenewt was easy as a dream, and the race is very balanced- the tlincalli is another story, however. I’ve also included 2 monsters from Volo’s Guide to Monsters. Since giving players an option to play as a troll would be unbelievably broken, I instead opted for making it a mixed-heritage race so that I could nerf the creature’s regenerative abilities and still have it be lore friendly. This time around, we have the half-troll. Here’s another batch of playable monster races! You can find part 1 here.